eDues now available!!!
It’s Time to Take ACTION – eDues is Here!
The Florida Legislature voted to outlaw public employer payroll deductions for union members Wednesday and we expect the Governor to sign it soon. We will no longer be able to pay union dues through our paychecks, a benefit workers have had in Florida for over 40 years, and to keep our contract we must maintain 60% membership. (Note that police, fire and corrections officers are excluded from these new “protections”).
We have a plan to save our union and control our own fate, no matter what politicians throw at us!
We are very excited to invite you to join our new union eDues system! eDues is a new mechanism for payment of your union dues through direct bank draft transfer that you can set up on the same schedule as your current regular deductions from your paycheck. UFF is partnering with the Florida Education Association (FEA) to offer eDues to members through Plaid, a third-party technology platform that facilitates communication between your bank account and your union’s bank account to complete an ACH payment (The Automated Clearing House network).
For step-by-step instructions, check this page.
You do not need to cancel your current payroll deductions. UFF eDues will only start in July of 2023 when payroll will (likely already) be outlawed or we will collectively ensure the end of payroll dues deductions before approving any payments.​
Frequently Asked Questions about eDues
UFF and FEA are NOT tracking or storing banking information for FSU-GAU members. We are using a secure and ISO compliant vendor named Dwolla and Plaid.

Is eDues secure?
Yes! Your local union or UFF staff does not collect or store your banking information in our databases, therefore we cannot share or lose your account data.
ACH is the same manner in which your paycheck is deposited to your bank account. eDues simply allows members to automate the direct payment of dues from their bank account to their union’s bank account through ACH – the Automated Clearing House.
ACH is trusted by financial institutions to transfer funds electronically and it is more secure than other forms of payment collection, such as cash and paper checks according to the Federal Reserve. This is why it is the trusted way our members make payments every day for things like car payments, mortgages, rent, cell phone bill, insurance, and more. To know more, visit here.

Does Plaid have access to my credentials?
The type of connection Plaid has to your financial institution determines whether or not we have access to the login credentials for your financial account: your username and password.
In many cases, after you request that we link your financial institution to an app or service you want to use, you will be prompted to provide your login credentials to your financial institution, and, upon successful authentication, your financial institution will then return your data to Plaid. In these cases, Plaid does not access or store your account credentials. Instead, your financial institution provides Plaid with a type of security identifier, which permits Plaid to securely reconnect to your financial institution at regularly scheduled intervals to keep your apps and services up-to-date.
In other cases, when you link a financial institution to an app via Plaid, you provide your login credentials to us. We store those credentials and use them to access and obtain information from your financial institution in order to provide that information, at your direction, to the apps and services you want to use. We then help keep your data safe and private with best-in-class encryption protocols. For more information on how we use your data, please refer to our End User Privacy Policy.
Regardless of which type of connection is made, we do not share your credentials with the apps or services you’ve connected to your financial institution via Plaid. Learn more about how Plaid handles data.

If you have used Plaid to facilitate a connection between your financial accounts and an app, then we will share your financial data with that app. The types of data that Plaid shares with your apps depend on the particular connections you’ve established, the specific Plaid services used to power your connected apps, and the information made available by your financial institution. We do not share your data with any app without your consent and do not sell or rent the personal information we collect.
In addition, when you connect your financial accounts with an app or otherwise connect your financial accounts through Plaid, Plaid will have access to your financial data, and we may share your data with additional outside parties as outlined in the How We Share Your Information section of our End User Privacy Policy.
At any point, if you wish to delete your data from Plaid’s systems, no longer want Plaid to have access to your data, or if you’d like to stop sharing your data with a specific app, we’re happy to help!
Where things are heading, and the proactive role we’re taking to make this happen: