We're seeing double this week, gentle-members of the union!
Your GAU bargaining team is working TWICE as hard this week to bring you TWICE as many bargaining sessions as usual!
Wednesday, 9/23 from 3:30-5:00PM and Friday, 9/25 from 2:00-4:00PM are bargaining sessions #8 and #9 (respectively).
Zoom links below, and since so much is going to happen this week, I'll keep things brief!
Last Friday FSU administration offered to cover the ENTIRE cost of our health insurance increase, which means the price of your health insurance is NOT going up this year! In fact, FSU's offer last Friday would decrease your health insurance premiums for domestic students by $3!
We countered with an offer that would decrease your health insurance even more and reduce it to its lowest cost ever at FSU.
We CLOSED MOU#2 with the administration which means be on the lookout for an email from us guiding you through the ratification process!
Meanwhile, we are still waiting to hear FSU's counter on fees, prorating, and tuition.This Wednesday it will have been 58 days at least that FSU administration has had our proposals on these issues, and has yet to return a counter-offer. This Friday it will have been 60 days.
As usual, we are looking for IMPACT STATEMENTS. If you have been impacted by the low stipends, high fees, high health insurance costs, or more, we want to hear about it! E-mail us atbargaining@fsugau.org
Remember: this is your MONEY on the line. You want higher stipends and lower fees? THIS IS HOW YOU GET IT. Remember that $650 December bonus last year?THIS IS WHERE THAT HAPPENS. All you have to do is show up.
In Solidarity,
Vincenza Antonetta Berardo
Chief Negotiator, UFF-FSU-GAU
Ph.D. Candidate
Philosophy Department
Florida State University
